Wednesday 9 November 2016

Attractions of P2P lending to lenders

P2P lending is showing a path for the lenders to earn huge interest returns in less time. It is being considered as one of the hot investment options by the lenders/investors.

Some equally beneficial reasons why P2P lending is attracting the investors more than any other option-

  • Higher yields- It is definitely promising and delivering high returns to the lenders as compared to other fixed investments.
  • It is delivering a periodic return to the investor- Every month/period, the investor is getting returns as EMI, unlike options like real estate.
  • Selection of the deals- The investor can themselves select who they want to invest in
  • No additional charge for the credit check or any other verification of the borrower is taken for the lender.

There are many other advantages that P2P lending is offering to the lenders. I read an article which informed me about the above and many more benefits. As a prospective investor, you should definitely give it a read.

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